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Emulsion Platform

Emulsion is a kind of liquid preparation, which refers to the heterogeneous liquid dispersion system formed by the dispersion of one phase of liquid in the state of droplet in another phase of liquid. According to the function, it can be divided into parenteral nutrition fat emulsion and drug loaded fat emulsion. Among them, drug loaded fat emulsion can solve a series of problems such as drug insoluble and drug stability. At the same time, drug loaded fat emulsion can solve the problem of drug insolubility through this technology, ensure the stability of drugs during storage and reduce adverse reactions of patients.

The company's existing emulsion products include propofol emulsion injection, propofol medium / long chain fat emulsion injection, flurbiprofen ester injection, medium / long chain fat emulsion injection (C8-24Ve), etc. among them, propofol medium / long chain fat emulsion injection is the company's representative product and the first imitated product on the market in China. It has the advantages of reducing injection pain, reducing the risk of hyperlipidemia and reducing the burden on the liver. Its preparation technology is at the leading level in China.